Cookies for a Cause: Blueberry Bonanza Bars

I've had my eye on these blueberry bars for a while. I knew The Husband would enjoy them as well as my coworkers. These tasty treats start out with an almond cookie bottom which is topped with a layer of blueberry preserves (or any other jam for that matter), and then you sprinkle on top a wonderful granola topping. The original recipe from Martha of course has you making your own granola, but I skipped that.. I only had so much time plus "Almond Coconut" would've made The Husband skip over these (though it does sound delicious to me!)

I found awesome blueberry preserves at my Kroger and it is soo tasty, well worth the $5. It's called Bonne Manam Wild Blueberry Preserves. I had no idea I'd like blueberry jam that much. I made a double batch of the cookies, as usual, and cut generous portions of these crumbly goodies. I used half organic (read: twice as pricey) honey oat granola and half Kroger brand (the only two without raisins/weird flavors). I liked that the organic granola had bigger chunks but we liked the cinnamon Kroger brand flavor better. I'd like to try making my own granola sometime.. yummy. Granola is one of those items that should be labeled as "high risk", as in, it's very easy to eat way too much of it!
Like in my previous Cookies for a Cause events, my donation was to bake the cookies and bring them into work. Then, 100% of my coworkers' donations go directly to the Alzheimers Association, a great cause. These cookies were a huge hit, quite a few of my coworkers' favorites, and I am happy to report we raised another $19.55, for a grand total of $175.57 collected from my Cookies for a Cause adventure. I am looking forward to many more baked batches of goodies! I keep telling them - I'll keep baking if you keep donating!
I know you'll love these cookies so here's the recipe for Blueberry Bonanza Bars on Martha's website.


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